Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Misty Says Hi!
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Blog Fodder
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Universe Smack Down!
To update you on the cat wars, currently, Misty is sitting behind the television taking a bath and whiskers is sitting on a pillow in the chair watching with disdain. Things have not gone very smoothly with these two. Surprisingly, Misty is not the aggressive one. Oh sure, she growls and hisses with the best of them but she's not the one doing the chasing, if you know what I mean. I'm pretty sure it will all work itself out but in the meantime, the humans in the place are a little stressed about it.
Not much news on the needlework front. I have been working very slowly on Hanami. I have three of the seven repeats done of the first section. I started the Linen and Lace Cardigan from Interweave Crochet, Spring 2007 and the Tilted Duster from Interweave Knits, Fall 2007 edition. I don't want to leave any room for boredom now because, as they say at work.....
"A bored Mary Pat is a baaad Mary Pat!"
Monday, August 06, 2007
2 Cats, 1 Room...now that's progress
Thursday, July 19, 2007
I CAN knit Lace
Ok...so I don't have the skills (yet) to do MS 3 BUT I can do Hanami. I purchased Hanami a couple of months ago and started it in some Handmaiden Sea Silk that I have. However, that Sea Silk, which is still in time out, hasn't figured out what it wants to be yet. It was very clear that it just didn't want to be Hanami. So, when I got my yarn for MS 3, I decided to order some Zephyr Wool Silk in the Lady Slipper colourway. It is turning out pretty nicely....see......
This is the first of seven of these basketweave repeats. I have had some time to try to ponder why I can knit this but not MS 3. It all has to do with concentration. MS 3 is different each row and there are few repeats. While I may be fully capable of concentrating as much as is required for me to be successful at MS3, that's not what makes knitting enjoyable for me. I like the resulting fabric/pattern. That's not enough for me. I really need to be able to enjoy the rhythm of the knit (or crochet.) It's not that what I'm working on has to be all stockinette or all double crochet (although there is nothing more fun than stockinette in the round.....my favorite.) but I want to have enough freedom when I'm knitting or crocheting to be social. Some of my projects have been joyful because of their routine - see the Log Cabin Throw....some have been enjoyable for their rhythm and pattern.....see the Lily Chin Lace Dress......some have been fun because of the knitting challenge.......see Goddess and those damn short rows........it's all a process.
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
It's the 25th Annual MPA Packing and Moving Extravaganza....the California Edition
This move is not a big move. I'm moving about an eighth of a mile, from one end of the apartment complex to the other. It is a move, though, nonetheless. It still requires buying boxes (more on that in a second), buying packing paper, bubble wrap, tape. It requires packing my crap up into those boxes. It requires cleaning; the oven (nope, it's not one of them fancy self-cleaning ones), the refrigerator (will they ever make a self-cleaning one?), the insides of cupboards, the baseboards, etc., etc. Then there's that thing that happens with short moves where you just don't think you need to pack something because you'll just throw it in the car and drive it over. My clothes fall into this category.
I am not the most driven of packers these days. There was a time in my life when I would just keep on packing until it was done. And if truth be told, I would do that for this move if this was Thursday and I was moving on Saturday. But, it's not. I've been packing for two weeks now and it really is just about done. Here's my routine....I think about what I'm going to pack. Of course, my best thinking is done with knitting needles in hand. I put together a box, pack it, label it, stack it and then go back and do a little knitting, watch a little TV and then pack another box, go see the new Harry Potter movie (it was fabulous by the way), and so on. Some mornings (like this morning) I get up, put a box together and pack it up. This way, I don't really feel like all I'm doing is packing and by Friday, it will all be done. One of the things I do to make my moving life a little easier (and believe me, I learned this the hard way) is that I buy boxes from U-Haul or Sam's or someplace so that they are all the same size and are made for moving. I am a nut about this. I find it so much easier to manage the move. It's just my little AR thing....okay?

So Thursday, I go pick up a cargo van from U-Haul. Why a van? Certainly I have more stuff than will fit in a van. Yes, that's true, I do but I also live on the third floor of a huge apartment complex. This complex has parking garages so you park on the same level you live on. This is fantastic except that the clearance in the garage is 8'2". Most moving trucks are 9' or more and they won't fit in the parking garage. So, to avoid the whole elevator thing, I opted for the cargo van and making a few trips rather than one. It is only an eighth of a mile after all and the bonus of being able to go straight from one apartment to van to the other apartment without stairs or carrying the furniture for long distances is huge. Anyway, I've hired some guys to come on Saturday morning and help me move. My new roommate should be here by then and we'll have to unload her truck too. Hopefully, they will be able to stay a little longer than I originally booked them for so they can help unload her stuff too.
I have finished the Lutea Lace Shell. I'm not 100% happy with it but I did some work around the armholes and the neck opening and it's a little better. Pictures to follow a little later.

Oh, and have I mentioned Ravelry. Remember a few months back when I talked about Misty and her Kitty Crack.....this is like that for knitters and crocheters. Oh my goodness. What a FANTASTIC community it is. It's like magic...I can be organized. I can see what others are doing. I can talk to other people. It's absolutely amazing. I love it and am fascinated by it. It has truly changed the way I think about my knitting and crocheting. I can see how others have interpreted the same pattern as I did. It should however, come with a caution label: Warning! Joining Ravelry May be Addictive!
Sunday, July 08, 2007
MS 3:Realist vs. Loser
(Photo removed at designer's request.)
This is where my Mystery Stole stands today.
I watch Roger Federer and Rafael Nadal and think, what if they had given up when they couldn't get their serve just right or lost 6 or 7 matches in a row? What if they had allowed themselves to be defeated by a little bit of silk, wool, a couple of sticks and some /\ & O's?
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Knit vs. Crochet
Crochet - PRO
- 1 hook. You only have one live stitch at a time. If you make a mistake, out comes the hook, RRRRRRIPPPPP back to where the error is and easy peasy, it's a do over.
- There is only one basic movement in crocheting....the put the hook through, yarn over, pull back through, yarn over and pull through loops....Voila! only one live loop on the hook. (We're back to that again are we?)
- It's fun and I can do it pretty fast and I don't have to think about it a whole lot once I get a pattern down.
- I can figure out where mistakes are and how I made them easily. I can usually figure out how to make them work or fix them.
Crochet - CON
- Depending on how you hold your hook (and I hold mine in an old fashioned way, sort of like a pencil) you can get some serious carpal tunnel pain going on.
- The resulting fabric can be a little chunky (for lack of a better word.) I guess what I mean is that unless you are working on very thin yarn, it can be a little bulky. It doesn't really have to be and I have made some really beautiful things that were not at all clunky or bulky. So this isn't really a con....it's just a difference.
- I forgot this one yesterday.....Crochet requires more yarn. It takes more yarn (about twice as much) to create a garment than with knitting.
Knit - PRO
- The fabrics and stitch patterns seem to be more delicate and fine.
- There are quite a few more patterns and supplies for knitting.
- It doesn't really have a bad rap.....crochet seems to be the ugly step sister of knitting and some look down their noses at it.
- It's fun and it looks cool.
- I don't have as many carpal tunnel issues
Knit - CON
- Okay, when you make a mistake you either have to live with it or tink (you know it's taken me 2 1/2 years to figure out that that work is knit spelled backwards which is what you are doing when you unknit each stitch.) There are few fast ways to get back to a mistake that's a few rows back. If you take it off the needles then you spend an incredible amount of time picking up those stitches, only to find out that you have missed one. This goes pretty well if it's straight stockinette or ribbing or something but throw in some yarn over, knit two together's in there and it's all over (for me that it.)
- I have to concentrate much more. The patterns aren't intuitive for me. I have to do something over and over and over again before I finally get it! (Sometimes that happens after I bind off, knowing that things weren't quite right. I think about it and finally realize a day or two later....oh, that's what they meant when they wrote AND at the SAME time or "when doing a decrease at the beginning of the row" doesn't mean bind off one stitch AND decrease at the beginning of the row...do I sound bitter....I can't talk about it yet.)
- Everybody's doing it these days.
So, what do I think....I think it's great to know how to do both. I love that I can switch back and forth between the two. I think somethings are better suited to knitting and some are better suited to crochet. I was just given a book that is full of patterns that are both knitted and crocheted. I think that is the perfect type of project. I am looking for just the right one.
There you have it. My opinions about the two. I enjoy both of them and I am grateful that my grandmother put me on the path to have this type of creative outlet.
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
What's Going On?
At the moment, I am writing this blog while live feed from Wimbledon is streaming in on my computer. I love watching Tennis. I have become such a big fan. This morning's completion of yesterday's Henman/Moya match was incredible. They stopped play last night because of dark in the 5th set at 5 all. They came back this morning and played the remainder of the set which Henman finally won 13-11 in the final set. WOW! It was fantastic. Henman Hill was packed. So much excitement for day two. I can only hope the rest of the tournament is as thrilling.
On to knitting news. About 6 weeks ago, I finished the Goddess top. At the time, I didn't have any pictures. The recipient of the top wore it to work the other day and now I have pics.

Monday, June 11, 2007
That's the number of days since I last got to talk to my father. It's the number of days since I was able to hold his hand. It's the number of days I have missed him since he died. It's the number of days I have wished that I could talk to him again, see him again, hear his stories again, get his opinion on something, watch him paint or just walk into the room and see him reading a book.
It's been two years and for the most part it is a little easier. I was blessed to be able to spend the last few months helping care for him as his health declined. I was blessed that he was able to function pretty well until the last week.
(This is two weeks before he died)
My Dad was a good man. He left me with many gifts, many of which I never appreciate until after he died.
The past two years have been a struggle for my whole family. I know that I am grateful for my Mom's and my ability to share how we feel about missing Dad without thinking anyone will think we are just holding on to the past. I'm grateful for the support that my sister has given me over the past couple of years. She has been accepting and generous beyond belief and has always been a good distraction for me when I needed it. I am grateful that my brothers have been able share their homes and families with me when asked. I am grateful that my nieces and nephews had the opportunity to know their Grandfather. I wish they could know him some more. He loved each and every one of them. I hope that in some ways, I can fill in some of the blanks for my nieces and nephews when they have questions.
I know that each year this day will be a little less painful but for now it's not.
Little Dress - Finished
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
Atlanta, Florida, the French Open
Party in Atlanta
This year's National Teaching Institute (AACN's annual educational conference for critical care nurses) was in Atlanta during the end of May. It was CRAZY busy before leaving California and exhausting while in Atlanta. We put on a full 6 day conference with around 7000 attendee's and over 1200 exhibitors. This is no rinky dink operation here. We take about 60% of the office staff (about 60 people) and we make it happen. It is very exhausting but it's also an incredible amount of fun. It's a time to interact with out membership as well. It was a ton of fun to reconnect with some old friends and colleagues. Some things I learned about downtown Atlanta:
- Centennial Olympic Park is beautiful
- The hotels are old and tired.
- There are a lot of homeless people who are not shy about crossing the street to ask you for money. (A little un-nerving for single women walking at night.)
- Life runs just a tad slower.
- Don't get the duck at Daily's restaurant
- Ruth's Chris steakhouse did not disappoint
- When the cab you get into to go to the airport has a handicap plackard hanging from the rearview mirror, hang on!
- The Georgia World Congress convention center is pretty easy to get around - for a convention center
- The Velvet Lounge at the Hardrock Cafe was a lot of fun. It was a good time trying to correctly identify the musicians in the old music videos
- There are hills.
Florida Visit
I flew directly to Sarasota from Atlanta for a few days of R & R post NTI. It was good to visit with Mom and just relax for a few days. I was thrilled to get back to my favorite hair stylist, McKenzie at the Met. I went to Eye of the Needle to see if I could get #6 - 24" Addi Lace circs and was told that they weren't even on the market yet.....hmmmmm what are all those sets that I have in my collection in CA that I've had for about 2 months? I guess they just haven't made it to the East Coast or at least Florida yet.
French Open
I am loving the Tennis Channel's coverage of the French Open. It really fits in nicely with my crazy sleep patterns since it broadcasts live matches starting at 3 AM. Since I get up between 4 AM and 5 AM usually, I'm in heaven. I'm sitting here watching Nadal and Moya play. Rafa Nadal just won the first set. The commentary has been very good....John McEnroe, Martina Navratilova, Thomas Blake. The tennis has been spectacular. The Nadal - Hewitt match was outstanding as was the Djokovic - Patience match. The Terre Bateau is in fine form. I love the sliding these pro's do to get to the ball on the clay. Looking forward to a good finals weekend.
Works in Progress
I'm about 2/3 done with a sweet little dress for a 9 month old coming from China to be adopted by a girl at work. It's crocheted and from the last issue of Interweave Crochet. I started to do it in Rowan Cotton but when I saw the label that said "handwash only, dry flat" that was probably not the best choice for a soon to be toddler. I switched to Lion Brand Microspun which will be easy to care for but a pain in the behind to crochet with. It is working up nicely and I can't wait to see it finished.
I'm also finally knitting up the Handmaiden Yarns SeaSilk that I've had since last fall. I have started countless projects with it and have ripped out those projects because either a.) the pattern I'm using is too intricate and get's lost in the varigation of the yarn; or b.) I can't count correctly when doing a repeat for lace. I have finally settled on a simple 8 row lace repeat that I saw on Knitty Gritty. It is as follows:
Row 1: yo k1 all the way across
Row 2: purl all the way across
Row 3: k2tog all the way across
Row 4 & 5: yo k2tog all the way across
Row 6,7 &8: knit all the way across.
The only problem I am having with this one is that when I get to the knit rows I forget how many I have done.
Have to go to work. I might be able to put some pic's in a little later.
Thursday, May 10, 2007
The Blah Phase
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
What I Did On My Spring Break....
Dear diary,
I'm excited today. I am going to pick up E & K in NYC and go to Fl. I'm waiting for Prime Time Shuttle to pick me up to go to Long Beach airport to fly to JFK to meet up with 2 of my favorite nieces & nephews. I can't wait!
We made it to D.C. Jet Blue was delayed for an hour and we spent a couple of hours on the tarmac but we are here. It's cold. We are off to Uncle Jim's house and then we'll start the sightseeing tomorrow. I got a lot of knitting done on the Goddess top. The front part is done (for now) and I've cast on the back. I really like the tubular cast on it calls for. Very tired, diary....
Thursday, April 5, 2007
Dear Diary,
We made it. The kids and I got into DC via metro (God I love the Metro in DC) and got off at the stop by the White House. How cool it was to see the kids as they encountered the White House for the first time. They couldn't believe that we were actually looking at the Oval Office in the West Wing. From the north side of the WH we traveled around to the south side (or the pretty side as Kighla calls it) and got to see it in all it's glory. As we crossed Pennsylvania Avenue Ean got his first glimpse of the Capitol building. It was a wonderful moment.
We wandered over to the White House Visitor's Center and found a lot of great things. Each of the fifty states and the District of Columbia had decorated Easter Eggs and they were on display in the center....check out Louisiana's egg....it's Emeril!
The Smithsonian and the mall....DC really is an amazing place. So much wide open space, lots of beautiful buildings and history. We were going to go to the Museum of American History but it's closed for renovations until 2008. That stunk but we did make it to the Castle, the gardens next to the castle and then to the Air and Space Museum. Very cool!
Back to Virgina and my brother's house. Ashley and Katherine were home from school....that's the last I saw of the kids for the night. All in all, a really wonderful day.
Frday, April 6, 2007
Dear Diary,
We are standing in line to get tickets to the Capitol. It's FREEZING cold and the wind is really blowing. Ashley is with us today and she hates to have her picture taken....we'll see if that lasts for the whole day.
We are back in Virginia again. Today was amazing. From the Capitol, we went to the Holocaust museum. It's very moving. I loved the Hall of Rememberance. From there we went to lunch at the Post Office Pavillion. Then it was on to Fords Theater (closed, no tours today), the International Spy Museum (tickets sold out for today and tomorrow but we scored some for Sunday) and then a metro ride to Foggy Bottom. We walked down to the Lincoln Memorial by the State Department and Navy Hill. The Lincoln Memorial is one of the most awe-inspiring places I have been. It's so incredibly beautiful that it is difficult to imagine it's spleandor without being there. Next up was the Vietnam Memorial....another powerful space. A walk back up the hill to the Foggy Bottom metro (with a stop at Jamba Juice for some lifesaving smoothies....how is it that Ashley doesn't know about Jamba Juice????) and then a great ride back to Virginia. I wonder what's in East Falls Church that everyone gets off the metro at that stop....
Saturday, April 7, 2007
Dear Diary,
Snow!!!!! Did you check the date? Snow!!!!! Today's sightseeing takes us to Harper's Ferry, West Virginia and Antietem Battlefield in Maryland. Two amazing places. We left Kighla and Ashley behind to hang out in movie theaters and pools.....but we added Uncle Jim. Jim challenged us to find the person in the cemetary with the oldest birth date.....We found one person born in 1796. Very old. The confluence of the Potomac and the Shenendoah rivers, midpoint of the Appalachian trail, meeting place of Virginia, Maryland and West Virginia. It's breathtaking. One of the coolest things we did....Jim put pennies on the railroad tracks. We went around the town sightseeing and when we got back we went searching for them and found a couple of them flattened out......cool souveniers. Then it was on to Antietem. My camera ran out of disc space so no pictures of the events there. It's hard to believe that over 22,000 American's were killed, wounded or went misssing in one day on these grounds. Another awe-inspiring place. We had a wonderful time and were headed back to Virginia when all of a sudden, in the lovely hamlet of Boonsboro, MD, Jim's car just stopped. I mean....stopped. dead. Luckily, we were in Boonsboro. We were safe; we found someone to tow us back to Virginia.....what fun. A little scarey but we were safe.