Okay, all of you out there who were surprised to hear that the US was in a recession, please raise your hand. Great.....I see homeowners unanimously have their hands up......Students, yep their hands are up......Recently laid off or about to be laid off workers.....yep, hands are up........People at the store trying to make purchases......I see those hands. Folks trying to sell their house..........that bunch is standing on the table shouting. Hmmmm, there's a group over there that doesn't seem to understand the question.......Wall Street, stock brokers....what's that you say........you are SHOCKED to hear that the US in in a recession. Well,now, doesn't that just explain a whole lot...
OK, my cynicism aside, how in the world can the "stock market" be shocked and react so dramatically to the news that we've been in a recession since December 2004. I seriously don't understand that. It seems like the ultimate in denial and it's just not at all productive. It scares me just a little (okay, more than a little) that these are the people who have a handle on our economy and that for many of us, are managing our retirement funds. Ok, I'm ready to start using the Bank of the Tin Can....I think it's infinitely safer.
I have no doubt that we will eventually be in a better place financially at some point in the future at the same time, it's going to take Wall Street, Big Corporate CEO's waking up and venturing out into the real world to see what life is really like. (Sorry one more rant....how do those auto guys go to Congress to ask for bail out money in private jets and expect to garner sympathy? Life must be good when you live in the Emerald City.) Ok...rant's over.

I feel so much better for having gotten this off my chest. Carry on.