Holiday Baking....
There's not a lot of it going on but I did make my usual Hot Fudge Ice Cream Sauce and Peanut Butter Ice Cream Sauce this past weekend. It turned out good again. For such a simple recipe, it packs a big punch. I only made two big batches of each this year. It's a lot more manageable making it for 20 than it is for 100.
They sure are yummy!
San Diego Wild Animal Park
On Sunday, I traveled to south to see the holiday lights at the San Diego Wild Animal Park (a branch of the San Diego Zoo.) The lights were very festive and the kids around us seemed to be having fun. Of course, I didn't get any pictures of those but here are a few of some of the animals I saw. It was pretty cold so many of the animals weren't out. I think they may have discovered they weren't in Africa anymore.
Here are some Gorilla's. They were cold.

There were pink flamingo's.....there's a brown one too but I don't think he (she) was in the right pond.

Some Knitting and Crocheting Updates.
I finished my sister's dress! It is so very soft. She has a great picture of it on her blog. The dress was such a hit at the office that one of my co-workers wants one so I'll get to make it again. I'm one of those weird folks that I love making things for other people as long as it is something I like to make. Now if I could just figure out why I have such an aversion to making sweaters, I'd be happy.
On the Log Cabin front, I have two more squares to do. I have been thinking about the layout of them and how to put them together with a border. I think I will actually knit the border on the outside squares and then do a three needle bind off to put them all together.
I saw the Knitty Gritty episode a few weeks ago where they showed how to do a Moebius. I was very intrigued by that and have been struggling for 4 months trying to figure out what the two skeins of SeaSilk want to be. It has tried to be many different things and right now it's resting. It has been knit and unknit so many times......
Only 6 more shopping days till Christmas. I think I'm done shopping but you never know. Be careful out there.
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