Tuesday, December 02, 2008
We're in a What????? Get Out!

Saturday, November 29, 2008
Engaging with Grace

Watch a video about it here"
Five Wishes lets your family and doctors know:
- Which person you want to make health care decisions for you when you can't make them.
- The kind of medical treatment you want or don't want.
- How comfortable you want to be.
- How you want people to treat you.
- What you want your loved ones to know.
Sunday, November 09, 2008
The Story of the Shrug
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
Change In America - Yes We Can
“It’s a long time coming, but because of what we did on this day, at this defining moment, change has come to America,” - President-elect Obama
Thursday, October 09, 2008
So....Paul thinks I should blog more
- I should do a proper gauge swatch instead of just knitting a few rows and then counting.
- I should clean my house more regularly.
- I should stop buying Cheetos.
- I should walk to Starbucks rather than driving.
- I should stop worrying about things I have no control over.
- I should grow up and be a real adult and do things like save money, pay off credit cards, etc.
- I should take a proper vacation. (See previous should)
- I should read more books on things that will help me be a better person rather than ones that let me escape into some goofy world.
- I should watch more "sophisticated" movies rather than the ones that make me laugh or cry.
- I should add more photo's to this blog.
- I should get back to work.....
Thursday, October 02, 2008
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Baby's and Weekends
Two little baby boys were born 9 days ago. They came way too early. There names are Morgan and Grady. I knew from the very beginning that they would need special blankets. I have finally finished making the squares for two mitered square blankets. They are the same but different. I love them. I love the colors and I love that they make me smile. Each stitch has been a little prayer over the past 9 days. Now to the finishing...
Side by Side
Inside Stripes
We took a little trip to San Diego yesterday. The weather was perfect and it was beautiful. A couple of great pictures....Hotel Del Coronado on Coronado Island.
San Diego Skyline
Tuesday, August 05, 2008
Cowley Family Reunion - August 2, 2008
If you want to read a more coherent post about the reunion AND see some pictures you should visit Elizabeth's blog.
Corn Roast......Cinnamon Roll Bake Off (this judge says it was Uncle Tom all the way!) ......Grandma's potato salad throwdown (this judge says both were good but Aunt Eileens was closest to Grandma's).........Singed Eybrows........Asymmetrical rings in the wood = Applewood (or did Jimmy just know that Eileen & Roger had cut down an Apple Tree?) .........Beef on Weck.......Blueberry's hand picked from Burdicks........Amazing blueberry pies........a little smack talk about pie crusts from the Memmott clan........."Poppa you do the marshmallow."........Wow, that's tall corn........Can we go walk in that field?.....Katherine's first driving lesson........Building for sale in "downtown" Cattaraugus for $19,000.......The Cattaraugus County Fair........Taffy booth........BBQ chicken......Farmall tractor..........Holsteins, Brown Swiss, Angus......"The midway used to be so much bigger.".....How long can they play the game with the bean bags?.......Boy, Reese has an amazing throwing arm!.....Richard Cowley & the family tree (I hope he shares it).......demolition derby..........Aust Road......The house in Eddyville......the Cemetery Tours.........Katie, Madonna, Carol, Maryellen, Judy, Jimmy -the Buffalo cousins and how they loved coming to Uncle Larry's in the summer......Did you hear the wind with that storm?....It blew the tents, tables and benches over....Fish Fry Friday night.
There are so many more things to talk about that it will take days. It was a great weekend. It was great to see family that I haven't seen in years. It was great to go back to a place with so many fantastic memories. It's great to have new memories. I'm still not planning the next one.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
I Need to Write A Blog Entry
Tiger...Did you see the US Open from Torrey Pines this past weekend? On Saturday, I thought Tiger's play on 17 & 18 was nothing short of spectacular and some of the best sports I've ever seen. It was so obvious he was in a great deal of pain and it was like his natural ability and instinct kicked in and he just did whatever it took to get off the course and get out of pain. His play on Sunday to tie Rocco and then the same on Monday was just awesome. It's even more incredible today to find out he played 91 holes of golf with a tibial stress fracture and a torn ACL. Most of us would be on the couch sucking on a bottle of Vicodin Water.....
Tennis....And I use the term loosely. My roommate and I have been going to the tennis courts this week to hit some balls around. Let me just say right now....we totally suck. Enthusiasm, we've got plenty of....skill - not so much. It will get better.
Knitting - The good news: I have finished all the pieces of the Cabled Cardigan. The bad news: I can't sew the sleeves on to save my life. I have sewn the right sleeve on twice and ripped it out twice. They say the third time's a charm. I must finish it so I can start on something new. What is it that I think I need to finish something before I start something new? Character flaw? Certainly not extreme knitterly behavior.
I think I'm all blogged out.....
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Sunday, June 08, 2008
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Mohawks and Woody's

I know it's hard to see but this is a genuine old Woody WITH a surfboard on top. It was very cool!
Today was a day for the Orange County Swap Meet. I don't do that very often (it's been a year and half since the last time) but it was fun. It was HOT today but I got some really good deals.....$5 clip on sunglasses so I don't have to be blind.....some cool splatting tomatoes, some poppy coasters that I've been looking for and a new cool purse. One of the funniest things I saw was this:Yep, that's a blue Mohawk on the top of that guys helmet. He told us he'd made it himself. The funny thing about this is that about 30 seconds before this picture was taken, he was on the ground with his bike on top of him. He had forgotten to take the lock off his wheel before trying to move in a forward direction......the things you see on a Sunday morning.
Next weekend is Memorial Day already. My roommate's planning a party at Lucky Strikes bowling lanes. It ought to be fun.
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Buried Alive....With Ants In My Pants!
"You really need to get those assessment items done....you only have about 6 weeks to write, oh, I don't know....maybe 700 test questions!"
Me Back:
"Yeah but I've been working every weekend since October and most nights after I get home from work, I don't wanna do anything else."
"You know that if you just start doing it you'll get into it and it will be okay. You'll feel better if you just do it."
Me Back:
"You don't know what you are talking about. I can't do this...it's too hard.....I'm not smart enough to do this."
"Yes you are. You are just making excuses. You can do this and you are running out of time. Just pick up the pencil and start. You can't use the excuse of not being organized anymore, you spent last week taking care of that."
Me Back:
"Wait, I can't start yet. I don't have all the learning objectives in the right order. I've also changed the outline so I need to create new learning objectives for the stuff I added in. See, I'm not ready yet."
Me Back:
Uh uh. I am not a liar. Seriously, I have to do that before I can start. Look how nice it is outside. It's finally really warm out. I need to go to the beach."
"The beach! Are you kidding me? You aren't going to go to the beach. The water's too cold, you are NOT going to just hang out and do work at the beach. I know better than that."
Me Back:
"Well, I'll just go to the beach and sit outside at a Starbucks, drink coffee and work." Yeah, that's what I'll do.
"Liar! You won't do that. You'll take the crossword puzzle and work on it instead. Just who do you think you are kidding"
Me Back:
"Seriously, I just need to go outside and play for a little while, then I'll get back to work. Really I will."
"What are you going to do?"
Me Back:
"I think I'll go return stuff to Costco and Coldwater Creek. I'll be right back."
Right back? That's all you'll do?
Me Back:
"Yep, that's it......
2 1/2 hour later the conversation looks like this...
So......Now you'll get to work on those assessment items, right? You promised.
Me Back:
"Sure, I'll get right on that. I just have to send an email, catch up on blog reading and oh, yeah....I should write on my blog too....I haven't done that in a while....then I swear to God, I'll get right on it.....
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Sunday, March 09, 2008
Good Cat Gone Bad
I wanted to let you know of a situation that has occurred since I was at your February 29th show. You see, this is the sad story (with a happy ending) of a really good cat gone (temporarily)bad. It is a difficult tale to tell because for the first five years of Misty's life, she has been no trouble at all. She doesn't talk back, she cleans up after herself, she contributes around the house by putting her toys in the just the right place. She has always been a pretty finicky eater....no people food, no wet cat food, no kitty treats; strictly a kitty kibble kind of kitty girl. All that was changed by visit to your show.
It started out well enough. We danced, we saw Stryker, we listened to your monologue, we danced some more, and then it happened. You announced your partnership in Halo and that we were all going home with an assortment of Halo products. It was exciting because gifts are a good thing, especially gifts for a best friend like my little Misty. We watched the rest of the taping; the guy who won a million dollars on the Price is Right, Dr. Wayne Dyer and Janet Jackson. It was great. As we piled out of the studio, we innocently picked up our bags of pet products, Janet Jackson's new CD, Dr. Wayne Dyers book and went on our way. There were cans of cat food, bags of cat food, bags of dog food and kitty treats. I was excited to bring them home because if they were from you, they were bound to be great. Little did I know that I was carrying home illicit, extremely addicting drugs to my sweet innocent Kitty Girl Misty.
In the bag were some freeze dried chicken treats that are certainly innocent looking enough. I mean they look like actual pieces of chicken. Like I said, Misty isn't a cat that eats much of anything other than her normal Kibbles. Misty was a little hesitant and tentative about eating the treats. She was interested and she wanted to try it but in her heart of hearts she knew it was not in her best interest to try it. The other cat in the house, Whiskers, an older cat that was already tainted by eating people food, wet food and kitty treats for her 16 years, just went ahead and gobbled the freeze dried chicken treats down. Unfortunately, things deteriorated quickly. Misty tried little bits of the "Funky Chicken" (I believe that's their street name) and it soon became all she could think about. She had become a Funky Chicken junkie. She spent her days guarding the container of Funky Chicken preventing Whiskers from getting close to it at all. In fact, after a day or two, the only place Misty would hang out is in the kitchen. Gang wars ensued...there was much hissing, growling and swatting. No way was Misty going to let Whiskers steal her drugs. I'm telling you, Ellen, it was getting ugly. My sweet, innocent Misty had turned into a thug. She would do anything for a Funky Chicken fix. After a few days, I knew if I didn't do something, I was going to lose my sweety girl to the darker side of kitty life. I decided that it was time to stage an intervention. It was a tough couple of days. Misty was mad, she wouldn't eat, she was in pretty rough shape. All I could do was support her through the tough times. We wouldn't even let Whisker's have any Funky Chicken, after all, Misty needs EVERYONES support. Misty is better now. She knows she can't have any Funky Chicken for a while(and let me tell you, Whiskers is pissed) although she does hold out hope when I open the cupboard where it is stored.
Thanks for helping us keep our pets healthy so we can have them with us longer.
P.S. Whiskers thinks she might give another flavor of treats a try without telling Misty.
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Coming Up For Air
Thanks for listening....