
The last few weeks has been quite a whirlwind. I spent a few weeks finishing up the bulk of the large project that I've been working on for the past 9 months....it was just like birthing a baby. Not that I'd really know what that's like but it seems appropriate. Anyway, it's 95% done and I'm having a difficult time forcing myself to tie up all the loose ends. I have a couple of weeks so I know I'll get it done. I'd hate to actually get something done with time to spare!
The day after the big part of the project was completed, I headed to Chicago for our annual large conference. It was 10 days of sheer exhaustion.....more than 9200 critical care nurses in one place.....exhausting. Once again I experienced "NTI Feet" which is a condition that can only be experienced; not explained. It takes the right combination of shoes, blister block, moleskin, toe pads, bunion cushions and drugs to make it through the week. Once it's all over, the feet go back to normal fairly quickly, thank goodness. This weekend I treated myself to the "Royal" Pedicure at my favorite little nail place. It was 90 minutes of absolute heaven. I think the feet are finally back to normal.

As exhausting as NTI is, it is inspiring and fun at the same time. This is the first time we've had an NTI in Chicago. It was also the biggest one ever! Chicago was chilly at times, rainy at times and quite springlike at times. I which I'd had more time to do some exploring. Maybe next time...in 2011.
Weekend in Florida
After NTI, I made a quick trip to Florida for a visit with Mom. It was good to spend a few days with her. I miss her a lot and it's the hardest thing about being in California. Mr. McGregor and Miss
Maggie (the Yorkie and Shih Tzu) acted like I was just coming home from work. It's been a year since I visited Mom and the dogs were very excited to see me. Mr. McGregor decided that I needed to hand feed him (reminiscent of the days when I lived with them) and Maggie dropped my Mom like a hot potato when it came time to decide where to sleep. We had a nice visit with my Uncle, and some friends of my Mom. We had a wonderful walk on the beach and the water was so tropical, clear and warm. I miss that. Mother's day was nice and then it was a quick trip back to California.
Catching Up on Shopping
This weekend was the time to catch up on shopping. A quick trip to Sam's, Costco and Whole Foods and life is good again. On the way to the District, we were driving up the 73 Toll Road and saw this......

I know it's hard to see but this is a genuine old Woody WITH a surfboard on top. It was very cool!
Today was a day for the Orange County Swap Meet. I don't do that very often (it's been a year and half since the last time) but it was fun. It was HOT today but I got some really good deals.....$5 clip on sunglasses so I don't have to be blind.....some cool splatting tomatoes, some poppy coasters that I've been looking for and a new cool purse. One of the funniest things I saw was this:Yep, that's a blue Mohawk on the top of that guys helmet. He told us he'd made it himself. The funny thing about this is that about 30 seconds before this picture was taken, he was on the ground with his bike on top of him. He had forgotten to take the lock off his wheel before trying to move in a forward direction......the things you see on a Sunday morning.
Next weekend is Memorial Day already. My roommate's planning a party at Lucky Strikes bowling lanes. It ought to be fun.
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