Monday, July 13, 2009

This is What Happens When Facebook Takes Over...

April.....really, I haven't posted on this blog since April? Wow. I've been thinking about this lately and wondered what's been going on that has stopped me from posting on the blog.

Some Random Reflections:
  • In some respects it's easier to post on Facebook because I know I'm connected to others whereas on this blog, only a few people read it.
  • Twitter requires that I only think of something that's 140 characters long so there is no long term commitment to updating my status on Twitter.
  • A blog does allow me to develop my thoughts and post pictures and tell a story.
  • Sometimes I think that my perception that I'm not as creative a writer as I once thought I was is related to not writing my thoughts down.
  • I don't think that Facebook and Twittering really expand my brain like blogging does. Although I think keeping a journal might have the same effect as blogging.
  • I think I don't spend enough time doing things that really enrich my life and mind.
  • I spend too much time thinking about the things I have to get done or thinking that I only have xxxx amount of time until I have to do other things.
  • I think I need a vacation from myself.
  • I think being engaged in your own life must be a conscious effort. Sometimes it requires more energy than I have.
  • I put pressure on myself about blogging. "I have to have pictures." "I have to have something witty to say." Blah Blah Blah.

So there you have it. Months of waiting for a new post and this is what comes out. Enjoy!

Happy Monday.

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