Thursday, April 22, 2010


It's weird to get an email from your Mom asking "what happened to your blog?" All of a sudden you wonder.....hmmmmmm...."what DID happen to my blog." So, I wandered over to where my blog was supposed to be and lo and empty spot. Uh-oh. Is this what happens when you don't blog for, oh, I don't know, a year? I couldn't believe that this was really the case.

I went about my day and really didn't think a lot about it. Once I thought that it was sort of a relief because I now had an excuse for not blogging. Then I felt a little bad because I thought maybe I would want to blog again some day.

When I sat down at the computer a little while ago, I started messing around and began to wonder what would happen if I went to Blogger and tried to log in. I actually have two blogs there (there is one supersecret blog for work only but that hasn't been written on in probably 2 years.) Then it hit me.....Blogger is a Google thing and I've had trouble with my Gmail. Last weekend something got into my Gmail address book and sent emails to everyone in my address book asking if they would like to purchase some drugs. (If you got one, I'm sorry.) Well, I didn't think about it until earlier today when my Google Talk account was shut down. It took me a while to get that back and I started to put two and two together. Google shut down my account for suspicious activity. So, when I signed in, both blogs are alive and well. All is well with the world (I think.)

Whew! I would hate to not have this blog as a fall back to Facebook, Twitter and whatever else there is that I need to keep up with.

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