Many of you know that unlike the rest of the family, I am a cat person. I love them and their independence. As a single person, they are a great room mate.....not a lot of talk, little to clean up, not a lot of cooking involved, doesn't get too aggravated when you leave them alone....perfect! Well, I have Misty.....
Isn't she just the cutest thing ever?
Misty is three years old and has tolerated a couple of moves and now lives with 2 dogs. (I'm certain they will be the subject of future posts but for now, I'm sticking with the cat.) She loved it when I moved in to this house because it has a lanai (that's a patio with a screen over it for you non-Floridians) and that's like the biggest room with a window in it for her. What's really cool is that from time to time, other moving objects pass her way (unsuspecting Gecko's) and she tries to get them to play with her. She doesn't understand that they don't like playing hide and go seek when the hiding place is her mouth.....oh well. Anyway, one of Misty's challenges over the past year has been to find a way to get out of the lanai to the other side where there is green grass to eat. Unbeknownst to me, over the past few weeks, she accomplished just that. She managed to push a loose part of the screen out and create a little kitty door to the outside that she has been freely going in and out of for an unknown length of time. She has been very good about not getting caught until the other day when we came in and found her on the outside of the lanai and then all of a sudden she was in the family room.......she's really fast good! So, being the handy person I am, I got the spline and spline tool out and put new spline in to secure the screen. Misty watched with great enthusiasm for a new challenge. The first night she voiced her opinion about the whole confinement thing with great persistence and loudness. If looks could kill, I'd be a trapped Gecko playing Misty's version of Hide and Seek. Not to be outdone by a mere human, she went after the weak point again and successfully loosened the screen enough to get out. Being the human that I am with opposible thumbs and all, I figured more drastic measures had to be taken. As you can see below, an elaborate wall has now been constructed from 12 x 12 tiles and bricks.
The blocked Escape Route
Misty is not pleased.

Can You Speak Cat?
1 comment:
Yeah, you are continuing to write!
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