I don't even know where to begin. Mom left on Thursday for the trek to Daytona. She traveled by way of the Soli-mobile (sorry no pic) which was a Toyota Sienna Van, totally tripped out with all the bells and whistles, and an extra top of the car luggage things. The van was full of tennis players, tennis rackets, and Soli Dastur the UPCC Super Senior cheerleader extraordinaire.
Friday started off with a Bang....They walked onto the court to play their first match and found themselves looking in a mirror. The opposing team was wearing the same tennis clothes as UPCC. No, it wasn't deliberate but it was freaky
This is NOT the University Park Country ClubTennis Team
The next game went a bit better and they pulled off a win. That was a great way to end the day.
Saturday started early for me. I got an early start to Daytona so I could be there for the teams first match of the day at 9:15 AM. It was an uneventful trip except for the little detour off of I-4 due to a very serious accident. I actually arrived at the tennis center before the UPCC players did. The Florida USTA Tennis Center is a very nice facility in the middle of nowhere although it is right across the street from the LPGA. It was a beautiful morning.
The day brought some well fought matches. There were many good shots, lots of deuce points and everal tie breaks. Unfortunately, UPCC did not prevail and were out of contention for the main prize.

Watching Karen and Bernie Finish One Off......Coaches on the Right, Cheerleader in the middle and Teammates on the Left
Luckily, the rain held off until the afternoon match was over.....We had a nice dinner at the LPGA Restaurant then off to bed.
Sunday started quietly as the match wasn't scheduled to start until 11:15 AM. There were some rain delays from the later afternoon matches the day before. This delayed the Sunday morning matches so it was closer to 12:15 PM before they got started. There was a lot of waiting

It was a disappointing day for everyone. There were some great lessons learned however, that will hopefully help them achieve many great wins in Daytona in May.
- It's not necessarily a good thing to have an undefeated season.
- It's not good to play against an opponent who wear the same uniforms you do.
- You don't have to remember the opponents real names, Lola and Rosa will do.
- You can knit and watch tennis at the same time (Oh, wait, that's not a lesson for them, it's one for me!)
- Focus, focus, focus.
- Olive Garden might be a better choice.
- Tennis pro's are invaluable and will help you do your job as a Team Captain.
- Pat M. really did deserve to win the Sportsmanship Award/Painting.
- Soli is a great cheerleader....consistent and very enthusiastic and every team should have their own Soli.
- Did I mention Focus.
The next month will be spent in private, individual lessons, clinics, partner lessons and psychological training. The Senior team really WILL kick some **** in Daytona in May.
I am proud!
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