Wow, time really does fly when you are having fun. Since I was here last I have been to California, found a place to live, finished up a week at work and arranged to have all my stuff moved out West. So, where to start......
I made a quick trip to Orange County to find a place to live. I did manage to find a nice place to live. I stressed about it...I mean, it's just a little bit more expensive than Sarasota to live.....$1500 for a 1 bedroom in Ca vs. $1200 for a 2 bedroom in Sarasota.....The other really goofy thing about OC is that many apartments don't come with a refrigerator.....what is up with that? As it turns out, I did find an apartment that does have all the appliances so I don't have to rent them. I am very grateful for that. There are many things about my new place that I really like.
- The apartment is 1 1/2 miles from work. When gas is $3.36/gallon, that's a VERY good thing.
- About 100 yards from the apartment are movie theaters, restaurants, Barnes and Noble, Pier One, TJ Max, a grocery store and drug store. That is also a VERY good thing.
- If you want to see where I'm going to live you can go to http://www.sheaproperties.com/citylights
(This is where I am going to live. There are flowers and real grass......COOL!)
After I got that all settled, my cousin and I went to see our Aunt. We took a nice drive up the Pacific Coast Highway from Laguna Beach to my Aunt's house in Playa del Rey (near LAX.) It was beautiful....(Of course I didn't have my camera with me. What a goofball.)
The trip back from OC had just a bit of excitement. A woman on the flight had a medical emergency and when they asked for anyone with medical experience, I was the only one that moved. The woman was doing better when we arrived in Houston and I hope she was able to get home without difficulty.
Last week was my "last week" at work. It was a bit different because all of a sudden everyone figured out that I was leaving and that I needed to do just one more thing for them before I went. Well, there comes a time when that is no longer possible. It is done now and everyone will go on.
There was a lovely get together at one of the Director's homes which I really enjoyed and appreciated. It was a good run and I had a good time working with the team to open the hospital. At the same time, I am really looking forward to my new job!
Things are finally coming together with the move. I am always learning something new. Yesterday, I learned how the whole auto transport business works. It's not at all what I thought at all. It's a little stressful trying to figure out the timing of everything but in the end, it will all work out. The furniture is leaving in June. I was able to get it out of storage so I could go through it. It is now residing in the garage so I can sort out the junk.
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