Sunday, April 02, 2006

There's a piece that's Missing....

Yesterday, I found out I could create a blog. Today, I can't get to it on the internet with the URL I was given. I must be missing a step.....hmmmmm.....story of my life. Have you ever felt like you were'nt given the same book as everyone else or that yours was missing a chapter on something? That's sort of how I feel right now. I will get it figured out but I will probably have a little swearing and gnashing of teeth before it is all done.

For those of you that don't live in's beautiful, sunny, 80 degrees with not a cloud in the sky and a slight breeze. Sorry.

Here's a picture that I would have included in yesterday's post but I didn't know how to do it then.....I do now. (See I am learning!)

(Kathleen, Bridget and Me dining in Long Beach)

1 comment:

C. Cowley said...

Welcome, Mary Pat, to the blogosphere - where you can wax poetically (or ramble endlessly like me) on any topic you wish and no one or anyone can read your words of wisdom. They've made it dangerously easy to do this blog thing.

B told me she had a nice dinner and gave me the heads up on the crazed crochez.